1974 г. – Military Institute of Foreign Languages
1991 г. – Russian State Humanities University
Professional activity
For a long time Mr. Shipkov has worked in the different governmental institutions. He has a deep knowledge and understanding of governmental functioning, as well as a wide range of contacts that contribute to the execution of the assigned duties in AIPM. His career of the government employee includes, among other, the functions of the Director of Pharmaceutical Inspection of the Ministry of Healthcare of theRussian Federation, Deputy Director of the Federal Service of Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks). Mr. Shipkov also has working experience in the State Duma of theRussian Federation, State Customs Committee of theRussian Federation, banking sector. He served on actual military service.
Since 2007 he is heading of the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers.